My commitment with artistic creation consists of observing the world, nature and myself, finding small details and highlighting them, reflecting and presenting ideas through the production itself. I work with different materials, modifying and transforming them until they acquire meaning, strength and sentimental charge; until they manage to communicate what I mean to say. I think that a work should be a friendly object, which we make an accomplice, that expresses us or questions us with its mere presence.


The jewelry line chi H2O is looking to return back to the basics of human being, its essence and personal exploration, the natural elements that do not understand fashion, the commerce or design without a sense of transcendence. The Tao teaches that there are three levels: Physical or Jing corresponds to the essence of life and the fluids circulating through our body. Mental or Shen is the spirit of life, mental faculties, rational thought, intuition, spirit, attention and ego. And Energy or Chi is the life energy, air, spirit, the life force that enlivens all life forms in the universe. It is „vital flow of energy that impregnates everything", the sum of all the energies of the cosmos, gravity, magnetism, electricity, radio waves, solar and bionics. Taking inspiration from Masaru Emoto's study on the influence of the vibrations of energy or intention (feeling) in the physical form of the water molecules to be crystallized , CHI H2O, is based on the images of these molecules loaded with different intentions, love, joy, peace, harmony, fortune and truth. As the planet Earth, like the humans consist of 75 % water, the forms of the jewels look naturally harmonized with the body fluids and tuned into the vibrations captured in water crystals exposed to these intentions , emotions or words.

© Mai Sólorzano / Art • Theme by Maira G.