My commitment with artistic creation consists of observing the world, nature and myself, finding small details and highlighting them, reflecting and presenting ideas through the production itself. I work with different materials, modifying and transforming them until they acquire meaning, strength and sentimental charge; until they manage to communicate what I mean to say. I think that a work should be a friendly object, which we make an accomplice, that expresses us or questions us with its mere presence.


It is the result of my research and personal approach to “The Green”, that takes me to life, healing, growth, to the breath of freshness.
In my research I try to find and join shape and concepts, something that speak by itself, that refers to the life that one could almost smell. But listening to my personal feeling of “the Green” in this moment led me to exploration of spots, a green spot that make us feel, a Green spot used beside the heart transforming feelings to become creators, a green spot on the muscles which gives us strength to make, a green spot in the organs that permits us keep living.
© Mai Sólorzano / Art • Theme by Maira G.